

Genealogy Name

Welcome to the New Zacharski Genealogy Page!

The major goal of this site is to be a clearing house for genealogical and historical information on the Zacharski surname.  Using this site over the years, several interested individuals, usually with a Zacharski surname, have sent information on their Zacharski ancestors using the email address shown below. This information has been very useful in piecing together the common and larger unified Zacharski ancestral chart.  With the new features added to this site it is now possible for visitors to actually see the expanded list of Zacharski ancestors in several formats. This will help site visitors to find ancestral information on their individual Zacharski named ancestors.

The database is not focused so much on living Zacharski family members but does attempt to identify the Zacharski’s who lived prior to 1900.  As many dates for births, marriages and deaths are provided as are known. Also, the wives and daughters of Zacharski ancestors are provided when known.  Similarly, the towns where the births, marriages and deaths occurred are provided when known.

At any time while in the Zacharski ancestor database section of the site it is possible to click on: a surname index, a place index or a descendant chart index for the site. So go ahead, start your Zacharski ancestor search by clicking on the surname index and look for a known Zacharski ancestor. If you locate one, perhaps you will be able to identify an earlier ancestors to extend your family tree.

More Zacharski ancestor information will be posted on this site in the future.  Meanwhile, if you want to contribute to the site or provide information on any Zacharski family, please contact me by email by clicking on the Webmaster at the bottom of any of the database web pages or you can use the methods below.

Postal address
2743 Cascade Lake Dr., Shiloh IL 62221, USA

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This page was last updated 12/21/09